Legal Notice
This site is the property of U Mulinu Casanelli. The legal information is as follows:
U Mulinu Casanelli Company name: U Mulinu Casanelli Head office address: place called Pianu Rossu 20143 Fozzano, Company managers: [Angélique and Frederic Casanova] Telephone number: [0685843152] E-mail: [casanelli2a@gmail .com]Share capital: [1000 Euro] Tax identification: [912 522 182 R.C.S. Ajaccio]Legal form: [SARL]Registration number in the trade and companies register: [Registration number]Control authority: [Contact details of the supervisory authority]Site host: [Name, name or company name and address and telephone number of the site host]Use of personal data: [Mentions relating to the use of personal data]Use of cookies : [Notices relating to the use of cookies]
In the event of a dispute, the parties undertake to seek an amicable solution before any legal action. Failing this, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction to hear the dispute. You can also use the online dispute resolution platform set up by the European Commission:
Tel: 06 85 84 31 52
Address: Place called Pianu Rossu 20143 Fozzano